星期四, 8月 25, 2005Right now, you are listening to this song named - "Unbelievable", which is sing by Craig David.


喲!!! 下個星期是我的好姐妹(Lynn)的生日... 我在想送什麼禮物才好呢? 怎麼辦? 送她名牌提包, 錢袋, 襯衫, 服裝或者化妝品? 哈!!! 哈!!! 真headache!!! 或許treat她大吃一頓... 什麼地方呢? 在九龍或者尖沙嘴的restaurant呢? 不失時機, 趕快去餐館訂個位子這樣就行了吧!!! 嗤!!! 嗤!!!

不過生日party是少不了的. 想一想, 不然去pub happy一下!!! 這個主意也不錯... 然而,我不能不準備好禮物送給她!!! Lynn, 不然我做為您得免費女佣, 期限是一個星期... 你覺得如何? 哈!!! 哈!!! 我本身覺得你應該感到榮幸啊... 嘻!!! 嘻!!!

不論如何, 我會給你一個驚喜的呀!!! 等這我會送你一個很巨大的禮物喔!!! 因為您是我的好姐妹嗎!!! 哈!!! 哈!!! 就這樣決定了吧!!! 祝願你美夢成真!!!

Always Loves U,
Evonne Cheung

星期四, 8月 18, 2005Right now, you are listening to this song named - "Unbelievable", which is sing by Craig David.

Chill out at L.K.F

Today, I start clubbing with my friends in Lan Kwai Fong. The suits should be heading out or chilling out by now, and party people should be arriving to claim the night. This is how I spend my night at Lan Kwai Fong. hEhE!!!

Lan Kwai Fong’s a top place for people watching. Look at this bar, on the corner of the two main streets in Lan Kwai Fong. This is California, one of the bars that helped transform Lan Kwai Fong from a nondescript backwater to a hub of Hong Kong nightlife. It’s a classy joint, and is very much a place to see and be seen. But for writing types like me, the prices are painful, so I prefer to glance at the beautiful people, and walk on by. hAhA!!! =p

Not that prices elsewhere are always so wonderful — Hong Kong by night is an expensive place, thought. We decided to make the most of happy hours and an y other offers, and to drink little when and where a couple of rounds cost something akin to the Dolce Vita. =p

If feeling like skinflints just now, we can buy drinks from a take-away food place near Dolce Vita, and mingle with the folk who are standing in the street. This stupid street is narrow, closed to traffic, and turns abruptly uphill, ending at a junction that marks the upper corner of Lan Kwai Fong. Arrgghh!!!

You could stroll up it in a minute or so, and turn right, then down, to return to Dolce Vita . This would make a complete circuit of the heart of Lan Kwai Fong — and would lead past a plethora of bars as varied as their drinks menus. Add a jaunt up a side alley, and we could cover Lan Kwai Fong in little more time than it takes to say its name. hEhE!!! =)

What a waste that would be! If you want to say you’ve been out on the town in Hong Kong, you must have done more in Lan Kwai Fong than have a slightly cheap drink in the street. =p

That's why, we should make for a bar like Dolce Vita, for street watching during Happy Hour. It's a grand spot for watching mainland tourist groups shuffling through, looking at people in bars almost as they might peer at creatures in a zoo, and taking souvenir snaps - and perhaps wondering what on earth the fuss is about, as the Fong is often pretty quiet in early evenings. hEhE!!!

Then, maybe to a pub I like the most, that's Hong Kong Brew House at the top of this street - where there are a few locally brewed ales to sample, and you can crunch on peanuts and toss their shells on the floor. =)

How are you feeling? We could stay on in Lan Kwai Fong, and later head for Insomnia, which can be packed and bouncy when the band plays, or bellow some songs ourselves in Hardy's. hEhE!!!

Otherwise, let’s hail a taxi, and make for Wanchai — asking for Lockhart Road. But, I’ve heard that Home, near Lan Kwai Fong, is a prime place to make for if you want to carry on partying till mid-morning; the Bridge (pub) in Wanchai has lately become another place for dancing while it's daylight. hEhE!!! You can head there if you wish. As for me — I’ve got other plans; I know where I’m headed. I’m going to bed. =p

Always Love U,
Evonne Cheung

星期四, 8月 11, 2005Right now, you are listening to this song named - "Unbelievable", which is sing by Craig David.


因為朋友沒有上來寫日記的關係,我也少了上來。況且最近正是極忙時期,我們都忙做功課。為什麼每個星期都得做功課? 我不是討厭做功課,但在短短的一週內又如何做得完美?我是想把功課趕好交出,功課是學習的一個階段,如果連功課都不認真做的話,又怎算學習?

每天也是凌晨時份睡覺,大清早又要爬起床,趕了要上課。我又要打醒十二分精神!!! 放學後就筋疲力竭回到家中,剛好開飯,飯後,洗澡嗎?整理嗎?還是做功課?

我已放棄了電視節目,放棄了和愛人談心的片刻,放棄了自己美容的時段,放棄了星期六日逛街的歡樂時光。 我每天不敢照鏡子,我怕接受自己的倦容,蒼白如死灰的面孔,缺乏光彩的面頰,我只不過是二十來歲,現在就連一個少婦都不如!

最可怕的是那種頭昏腦脹的感覺,有時甚至不知道自己在做什麼,什麼也記不起,如同把記憶拋進了大海,有時潮汐漲退,沖到岸邊的有什麼就拾甚麼,不由得你選擇。 有時想東西,一下子入了神,還飄到雲遊太虛,目光渙散,就連到底在想什麼都忘記了。 hEhE!!!


我想說: 老師,你別讓我討厭你,討厭這一科!hEhE!!!

Always Love U,
Evonne Cheung

星期二, 8月 02, 2005Right now, you are listening to this song named - "Unbelievable", which is sing by Craig David.


這個星期, 我不會上網來部落格. 因為我的schedule已經在落後, 所以不得不這麼做!!! 我還有作業要呈遞... =(

為甚麼我的日程一直總是再... 真piss off!!! 我已經盡力試用變的法去安排my schedule, 仍然還是不濟事. 哪兒出錯? 我還是那句話: "不到黃河心不死"... 我會竭盡全力持續盡力的... 就怕沒有差別!!!

但是我不會忽視其它娛樂來放鬆我自己... hEhE!!! 所以你們要祝我好運!!! =p

Always Loves U,
Evonne Cheung

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