星期四, 5月 05, 2005Right now, you are listening to this song named - "Unbelievable", which is sing by Craig David.

When your eyes are bigger than your stomach

Yesterday, my beloved Kelvin (my boyfriend) treated me with a dessert buffet. So he took me to the Tiffin Lounge at the Grand Hyatt hotel. My little heart was overflowing with happiness when I saw all these little units of sweet joy: Mangomouse cake, Green Apple sherbet, Custard-Guava cream, Greentea-Redbean cream puff, Chocolate-layer tart etc. hEhE!!! Must have been at least 40 kinds of dessert. I started to calculate: If I eat 200 grams of each dessert that'll be approx. 32000 calories.

Well, no prob! I just need to run 596 km in 34 hours or have 125 hours skipping (276 hours if i can...) or went for swimming, at least for 250 hours (crazy thought*) to burn all those calories. hEhE!!!

I was so stuffed with 8 kinds of desserts that when the sugar kicked in I just felt like spreading my arms, run across the lounge and say 'Weeeeeeeee!' My boyfriend gave free rein to his sweet tooth and was therefore in a much worse condition than me. Is it possible to inject insulin between your toes? hEhE!!!

After the dinner, my boyfriend drive me back home. As soon as we reached the doorstep, my sugar-kick wore off and I just wanted to heave my calories-saturated body into bed. Suddenly, my boyfriend got this crazy idea (*help me to burn those calories*) to clean up the living room, get rid off all magazines and newspapers from the last three months, wipe all the windows, sweep and mop the floor. OmG!!! Crazy fellow!!! hEhE!!!

But, I was so tired after spending that wonderful dinner with him. Luckily, He got to fetch his mum at his aunt's house. Phew!!! Thank God!!! hEhE!!! So soon after seeing him drove off, i went straight to my room. Immediately, laying on my bed, (wow!!!) I feel so good... Oh yeah!!! Tomorrow, I will be busy get rid of all the calories... hEhE!!!

Always Love U,
Evonne Cheung

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