星期二, 3月 15, 2005Right now, you are listening to this song named - "Unbelievable", which is sing by Craig David.

Asian or Western?

I think that even if you are half-Asian, people in Asian regard you as either Western or Asian. There's no half and half thought.In Hong Kong, the British, having ruled for a century or a little more, have completely left the impression that things are entirely Western here. But still, if you are a white foreigner, you are still a foriegner.There is nothing but lines of demarcation about identity in said cultures.

The family, so to speak. Chinese will tell foreigners, that maybe they would consider the foriegners to understand China if only the spoke the language. It's as if the language itself is a marker of interiority.

It's the case in many Asian cultures that analysis of such issues by Westerners is only seen as provocation and reason for alarm. Though Asians often believe that these issues, especially in Chinesee culture, are not up for discussion.So then the fact that a westerner brought up the issue should be irrelevant.

Always Love U,
Evonne Cheung

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