星期五, 7月 29, 2005Right now, you are listening to this song named - "Unbelievable", which is sing by Craig David.

Blog Quiz

Yesterday, when i was checking my emails, and I've received 1 interesting email from my friend. Out of curiosity, I click on the link shown on the email, and it's a test quiz for bloggers. hEhE!!! Very interesting quiz though. So I ask myself, why users started blogging? What's the purpose for blogging? l0l!!! There is only 1 answer for this, blog is just like a living diary for everyone, included myself. hEhE!!!

Bloggers is more like an online journalist. And their blog content can be funny, entertaining, thought-provoking, intense, informational, inspirational, etc... Whatever the style or the subject matter, it always bound to touch, to share and to reach out to the right audience. That's why I like blogging so much. hEhE!!!

Being a blogger, your writing doesn't have to be prefect and typo-free all the time. Even a good bloggers can make mistakes too... Just pay attention to your spelling and grammer rules. That will do! It's so simple and fun... hEhE!!!

Another good thing for blogging, it's more about on maintain a good relationship online with the rest. Whether your friends, relatives or even someone who you doesn't know. And blogging is not just more than just responding to comments and emails, linking, cross-linking, promoting and cross-promoting fellow bloggers. It’s about knowing when to assert yourself and when to back down, and following up on your word and keeping your promises. It’s about not snubbing “the little people” just because you feel that you won’t get anything from them. It’s about respect and responsibility. This is what I find out, when I start blogging. hAhA!!!

But sometimes, blogging can be very scary things. It’s terrifying to “put yourself out there.” Even if you’re not writing about personal stuff, words are very personal things. Someone can criticise what you write, disagree with your views, or simply say that you’re just a nutter on the loose with a blog.

If you’re being real, then these things can hurt sometimes. And, even if no one’s slagging you… The constant need to do what you need to do, as being a blogger, sometimes you needs to be bravery too. Just try to blog once a week, so that you can take a break and relax yourself. hEhE!!!

Oh ya!!! Don't get addicted too... =p Okay, try this quiz, to find out what kind of blogger you are! hEhE!!! Click here -

Always Love U,
Evonne Cheung

星期一, 7月 18, 2005Right now, you are listening to this song named - "Unbelievable", which is sing by Craig David.

「頭 文 字 D 」

昨晚終於睇左大家都講左好耐既「頭文字D」 -- 一個字「型」囉 !! 因為朕對車完全無認識同興趣,只係本住睇靚仔 - 陳冠A既心態去睇. 初初見阿A場比較少有D失望&唔知佢地講乜, 不過經過公主既一大輪解釋, 已經開始投入套片. [哈哈~ 無錯, 朕根本唔知道佢係日本既動畫, 但其實朕一早係香港已經看過了...]

阿澤簡直就係成套片既精髓!!! 佢真係做乜都得!! 而且套片仲有又型, 又好戲既秋生同阿B, 成套野真係不得了. 小春既出現, 令朕又再一次興奮起來雖然佢只係出左好少時間, 已經把朕既情緒又再一次推到高峰!! 因為套片既Quality好差, 不但有「其他人」陪我地笑, 而且仲有人去廁所同拉拉錬..., 令朕其實唔係好睇到佢地實車既情況... 都很無奈! 不過朕相信應該場賽事是很緊張的,返香港一定要睇多次!!

Always Love U,
Evonne Cheung

星期一, 7月 04, 2005Right now, you are listening to this song named - "Unbelievable", which is sing by Craig David.

Awful nick

Recently, I was at a gathering with a group of friends. We are talking about how we could tell a person, which is not from our country, just by the way they dressed. hEhE!!!

OK, the undeniable truth is that in general, hongkongers dress A LOT better than the rest of the asians, and for the hongkongers ladies, having the "*Hong Kong look*" means that you are trendy and fashionable. But I'm not sure, as a guy, having the "Hong Kong look" is a compliment. l0l!!! No offend!!! hEhE!!!

Some of our asian friends, whether they are from singapore, malaysia, etc, have even giving such a lame nickname like "Heung Kong Zai" (Hong Kongese), sound so awful... Grrhh!!!

They still can describe about us,

1. fair skin, "Bak Cham Gai" (steamed chicken) level of paleness, for ladies and guys.
2. Lousy Mandarin (Putonghua) pronunciation could identify us.
3. Heavily Cantonese-accented Mandarin. oh my god!!!

Those foreigners that ostracise hongkongers, socialise only in a Lan Kwai Fong-SoHo-Stanley (districts where western expats hang out) bubble, think so highly of themselves. However, all of my friends here, can speak good Cantonese and English with pride and eat, shop and play at the same places as what most hongkongers normally do. We are not ashamed as who we are, where we from, but we should feel proud of it!!! hEhE!!! No more hong kongese!!!

Always Love U,
Evonne Cheung

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