星期三, 4月 27, 2005
Friends Forever
You're my friend and that is true,
but the gift was given from me to you.
We went thru moments that were good and bad,
even moments that were happy and sad.
You suported me when i was in tears,
we stuck together when we were in fear.
Its really sad that it had to be this way,
but it has reached its very last day.
Miles away cant keep us apart,
'cause you'll always be in my heart.
Always Love U,
Evonne Cheung
but the gift was given from me to you.
We went thru moments that were good and bad,
even moments that were happy and sad.
You suported me when i was in tears,
we stuck together when we were in fear.
Its really sad that it had to be this way,
but it has reached its very last day.
Miles away cant keep us apart,
'cause you'll always be in my heart.
Always Love U,
Evonne Cheung
星期四, 4月 14, 2005
過著闊太/闊少的生活... 起來便喝杯coffee. 行下Cyndi's house, 買下手袋...衣服... 好似咁行街. 係McDonald's 食成粒鐘lunch. 很得閒! 吃完飯 ...又一天了!!
昨晚問塔羅, [是別人的塔羅] 朕應何時再買過一副... 一唔係wheel of future, 就係seeker... 連你地都答朕唔到... 似乎... 朕要等姚姚個副問潛意識既先知啦... [唉~ 好唔開心... 點解你要咁對朕?! 朕失戀呀!!!!!!!~ ]
Always Love U,
Evonne Cheung
昨晚問塔羅, [是別人的塔羅] 朕應何時再買過一副... 一唔係wheel of future, 就係seeker... 連你地都答朕唔到... 似乎... 朕要等姚姚個副問潛意識既先知啦... [唉~ 好唔開心... 點解你要咁對朕?! 朕失戀呀!!!!!!!~ ]
Always Love U,
Evonne Cheung
星期一, 4月 04, 2005
呀~ 星期天本應是可以睡多一點... 可是, next door的shithead...好像要把房子炸掉... 宮中無人可以睡得安好, 於是「媽」聲四起!!
今天外出prepare Eric的生日dinner, 朕煮糖醋排骨, 椒鹽雞亦, 炒芽菜及青菜...被人串沒有味道. 不過, 總算吃了一餐飽飯...是一flat人在一起的... 很warm呢~ 晚上, 身體不適, 也很累... 睡了一會... 起來看「鬥魚2」... 黑社會真的很白痴噢~ 自以為很屌, 可是明明是社會的蛀米大蟲, 社會的人渣, 敗類; 卻不自知~ 你說他們除了白痴及可悲外...還有什麼可說?
Always Love U,
Evonne Cheung
今天外出prepare Eric的生日dinner, 朕煮糖醋排骨, 椒鹽雞亦, 炒芽菜及青菜...被人串沒有味道. 不過, 總算吃了一餐飽飯...是一flat人在一起的... 很warm呢~ 晚上, 身體不適, 也很累... 睡了一會... 起來看「鬥魚2」... 黑社會真的很白痴噢~ 自以為很屌, 可是明明是社會的蛀米大蟲, 社會的人渣, 敗類; 卻不自知~ 你說他們除了白痴及可悲外...還有什麼可說?
Always Love U,
Evonne Cheung